

Technical Support Portal

Black Diamond understands that easy access to the most up-to-date and accurate information is critical to maximizing success when using Tensor Elite product lines. The commitment to delivering this information, to all levels of customer organizations, has driven the development of the Technical Support Portal. The website is managed by the Technical Support Team who draw on extensive experience, working with all areas of customer businesses, to deliver a range of best in class solutions.

The Portal provides a range of information sources, presented in varied media, all of which are designed, produced and regularly updated with the common goal of driving customer success.

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Operations, Maintenance and Reference manuals deliver all the information required to prepare, operate, maintain and troubleshoot the systems. The manuals are continually updated, in close co-operation with engineering teams, to incorporate product development and updated best practice.

Maintenance Videos

Recognizing users now demand varied media to detail service and repair procedures, a suite of maintenance videos is available. The videos detail the strip down, test, inspection and rebuild of the systems and are designed to work in parallel with the maintenance manuals.

Assembly Drawings

Drawings are a critical reference for many processes and so all major assemblies are presented with fully detailed drawings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Drawing on the Tensor Elite team’s extensive experience, an exhaustive list of FAQs is presented to support new and experienced users of the systems.

Software Updates

Based on the continuous development of the systems to meet ever evolving customer requirements, software and firmware for the systems are periodically updated and download packages are available for customer installation.

Technical Information Letters

Technical Information Letters [TILs] are used to share critical information with customers. TIL subjects include system and service updates, product releases, best practice advice and safety alerts. They are initially e-mailed directly to customers and are also posted on the Portal to ensure all customer employees have access. The information they contain is incorporated into manuals and other support material, during the continual update process.

Operations and Maintenance Calculators

A suite of spreadsheets and calculators are available for download which perform the standard calculations required when setting up, and running, the systems at the rigsite. Additional spreadsheets are available to aid troubleshooting and track parts usage during

Help Requests

Close relationships between customers and the regional teams means that most support requests are communicated by direct contract by phone or e-mail. In addition, customers who wish to contact their Regional Support Team for technical assistance, to request a quote or provide additional information about products or services can raise a ticket in the Portal. The system allows full visibility to the customer and the entire global Tensor Elite support network. Analysis of case metrics allow Technical Services to drive product development and address common gaps in customer knowledge.


Effective training is a prerequisite for successful deployment of all M/LWD systems. Tensor Elite leads the field in delivery of cost effective training to all areas of customer operations. A modular E-learning program acts as a foundation to all hands-on courses while also presenting intermediate and advanced content to build the development of personnel at all experience levels. E-learning considerably lowers the cost of training and allows users to complete courses at their own pace and at a time and location of their choice. The portal is used to deliver content and assessments of the E-learning program.

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Easy Support Portal Registration

Any customer employee can register for access to the Support Portal and the Tensor Elite team encourages all to gain access to the most up-to-date support materials.